Dear value customer, Currently, we are seeing that the dispute transaction of merchant KHQR is significant increase and take long time to resolve due to circumstance of sender bank, we would like to share three tips for our merchant customer:
1) Register Shinhan Notification Channel: please refer SOL app or Telegram group in order to receive immediately notification in your mobile related KHQR payment. Only notification that can prove that your account is credited the money.
2) Request pay by other means: In case you have a wait within one minute but still not receive notification related payment in your mobile, you should suggest customer to pay by cash or other means that make sure the payment is paid.
3) Sufficient transaction information: In case payment is not credited and your customer seriously refuses to pay by cash or other means, you can report that transaction to Shinhan bank for supporting by provide enough transaction information such as: Payer’s bank name Merchant Name Transaction date/time Amount Hash number (08 digits) Screenshot of payer mobile transaction Shinhan bank will support to contact sender bank to investigate the incident transaction. How to receive merchant KHQR transaction notification? Customer has two methods to receive KHQR payment notification by Telegram group and SOL Mobile app. To Register Merchant Telegram Group Notification, customer need visit Shinhan nearest branch and follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Create a group in your Telegram
Step 2: Add bot “ShinhanPay” as your Telegram group member
Step 3: Inform our teller your Telegram group name
Step 4: Our teller registers your information into system.
Then you can receive Merchant KHQR payment notification by your Telegram. To receive SOL Mobile Notification, customer need follow instruction below:
Step 1: Click on setting icon ( ) in SOL App
Step 2: Click “Manage App Notification”
Step 3: Click enable button for “Transaction Notifications” Should you have any concern, please do not hesitate to contact us as at or call to: 023 955 001 098 222 595 (Telegram) 095 777 665