Make your lifestyle more convenient to facilitate your payments at any merchants and cash withdrawal at any ATM worldwide!

High purchase or withdrawal limit USD4,000 per day with limit possibility up to USD20,000
Very special annual fee USD 6 per annum
Worldwide purchase at over 36 million merchant outlets
Secure online payment
Access on two million ATM with VISA and Plus logo
More convenient by carrying less cash
Enjoy existing discount from SBC corporate partners
Get privilege discount from Epic Visa
Enjoy life style with Easy, Fast and Secured payment
Applicant must be at least 18-year old for principle cardholder
Applicant must be at least 16-year old for supplementary cardholder
Required Documents
Application Form
Enclosed original NID (for Cambodian)
May require for new customers in case of opening payment account
How to Apply
Visit the nearest branch of Shinhan Bank Cambodia