Annual Fee Exemption Program

No more concern on your debit card annual fee!
Enjoy using debit card with annual fee waived off for Shinhan Payroll Customers and Consumer Debit Card Customers as long as you still being active and keep using debit card. The bank is looking at your transaction history on how your payroll transaction or your card payment transaction regularly exist applying with the terms and conditions, you will get waived annual fee on year to year.
Since this is a good saving option, there are certain terms and conditions you may apply to ensure you get the annual fee exemption each year with the following:
A. Payroll Customer
Items |
Description |
Mechanism |
Get waive card annual fee for payroll customer at Shinhan bank. |
Scheme |
1st Year Annual Fee Exemption |
2nd Year or Onward Annual Fee Exemption |
Terms & Conditions |
Exist annual fee statement within 02 months after payroll account registration date. |
Exist payroll transaction during previous month of the card annual fee statement date. |
Eligible Product |
Consumer Classic (Primary add) and Gold (Primary new & add) ** For "Consumer Classic Primary New Card" annual fee shall be waived based on existing promotion. |
Consumer Classic and Gold (new and existing customers) |
Remark |
- Payroll customer’s account must be under “My Salary Saving Account-USD/KHR” - If customer has payroll transactions but the account is not My Merchant Saving Account (USD/KHR), customer is not eligible for get waived annual fee. |
B. Consumer Debit Card Customer
Items |
Description |
Mechanism |
Get waive 2nd year or Onward card annual fee when perform purchasing transaction at least USD 300 throughout the year. |
Terms & Conditions |
At least exist accumulated USD 300 per year for purchasing transaction. The transaction amount will be calculated by system. |
Eligible Product |
Consumer Classic and Gold (new and existing customers) |
Not yet have Shinhan debit card? Apply Now!
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